
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sneak Peak!

We had so much fun this afternoon at my new favorite place and I am in love with this photo!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

It's Sunshine and Smiles Saturday!

Little Miss E  is all smiles as she spends the afternoon on her favorite tree swing.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Rarely does a photo opportunity come this easily , the light, the subject and the setting was pure photojournalism perfection.

(Photo credit Kate Mercer/Press-Register)
The Rev. Robert Emanuel Jr. Having spent his youth in Prichard as a center fielder and lead hitter with the Prichard Mohawks baseball team, the Rev. Robert Emanuel Jr. had no youthful ambition to be a preacher. “I’d wear my church clothes over my baseball uniform,“ he says. Full Article

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day...

(farmers market peaches)

Isn't life delicious!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Well this is what we were up to as my oldest had another baby tooth pulled at the dentist today sitting outside was this old hay wagon so I snapped a few of the kids while we waited and to keep myself from worrying more than was needed.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Do I love photography? Do you?

I read so many posts about how much this and that blogger loves photography and I keep asking myself do I love photography? well the answer is no.... with an explanation.

See I don't love photography in relation to all the technical stuff, I don't love carry 16 pounds of equipment strapped to me for the past 14 years almost everyday, I don't love people coming up to me wonder what camera I use as if I've even read the manual and can actually answer their kazillion questions that in the end they think will make them a better picture taker or give them the title photographer. So you might be thinking well why am I a photographer then if I don't like "photography"?

I love creating art and showing my take on the world as how I see it , I love making people look good like really good so they no longer fear getting their picture taken and I especially love change peoples mind on their perception of photography it's so not about what camera you have or what lens you use it's about seeing and connecting to people and the world around us which brings me back in thought to Life Magazine it wasn't called Smile or Pose magazine it was real images of everyday things see through the eyes of artists who just happen to paint their canvas with light generated images instead of brushes that could change the world in fractions of a second.

So the simple answer would have been I love the art I can create with a camera as my tool whether it's a box with a hole punched in it or a DSLR the image will be only as good as my imagination can make it.

If I forgot to mention I'm a professional photojournalist who is convinced I can over come my fear of holding other peoples babies if I photograph enough of them, I hope.

Do you love photography? leave a comment I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Baby Mondays: Wrapping it up

This little bundle of joy was calm, content and sleepy  what more could a new Mommy ask for and her Dad's in the news biz so what better to wrap up Baby Mondays then with these....

 Baby Mondays will be on hiatus so I may give more time to other aspects of my photography and the blog.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sometimes as a photographer you stumble upon a place or an object that speaks to you in a visual sense and this old safe from a burned out bank build left in ruins intrigued me, maybe it was the fact a tree had started to grow on top of the concrete and metal casing left abandoned in the middle of town or the way the rust transformed it into this beautiful art form for whatever the reason I find myself transfixed on this image maybe if I stare at it long enough I'll develop super powers to see what's inside.

Monday, April 5, 2010

My Pocket Camera

My Girls Easter 2010

I'm not one of those photographers who takes the "holy cow" camera to soccer games or birthday parties, well not anymore, digital point and shoot cameras have come along way and you can get a great quality image with a pocket camera like this photo I took of the girls on Easter in our driveway with the Canon G10 and the neat thing is it does video too!