
Friday, October 29, 2010

Name my new studio and win…

I have contemplated opening a studio for a few years now and every time I thought I had found a location the pieces of the puzzle just never fall into place. This time seems to be different maybe because I've been running in every direction and finally bumped into myself to say it's now or well never. Though the doors aren't open yet I am ready to schedule sessions starting November 6th, I'll be getting the studio ready all next week and I can't for all those fun photo shoots to start.

But in the mean time I need your help in deciding on a name for my studio. I've come up with a few of my own names and logos but I'm not set on any particular one and I'm up for any suggestions. To get a better idea what I'm looking for I'll fill everyone in on a few thoughts to narrow down the ideas and after you click on the post links and read my thoughts below please post a comment and from the comments I will randomly pick 10 names to receive 10 photo package prizes.

Click the links below to see my name and logo ideas:

Studio Thirty-one (31) maybe? it will be located on HWY 31

Things need to consider when thinking about the name: First I love photographing in barns and will someday run my studio out of one, fingers crossed and the new studio has a little barn next to it. Second my last name means royal in italian. Thirdly I will be photographing mostly babies and children but not limited too and rather important I would the name to be open to me possibly renting out the studio space to other artists or clubs for meeting or workshops in the evenings few days a week or birthday party now and again, lastly the new studio location is in Spanish Fort,AL.

GRAND PRIZE WINNER: the grand prize includes a free full one hour photography session with $75 gift certificate to use towards your print purchase. The grand prize photo package session can be in studio or on location and is not limiting the number of people in the photo session.*

9 OTHER WINNERS: will receive 50% off full hour session in studio and the session is limited to three people per session.*

All you need to do click the links above in this post and comment on which of my studio names you like better or come up with your own idea for a name and share it. There will be 10 winners in all. If you live out of town I'd still love to hear your ideas so if you post a comment just write out of town on the message and if you are chosen I'll just randomly pick another winner. I am also excepting comment via email and Facebook, thanks.

*Winners must be local or able to come to the studio in Spanish Fort,AL to redeem their prize*

Comments are open until 8pm on Wednesday. If you leave a comment please remember to check back on Wednesday November 3rd after 10pm and email your contact information so I may send details on how to redeem the prize. Winners have 3 months from the winning announcement to claim their prize.

**(I will reselect at random a new winner if any of the original 10 winners do not claim their prize by 10:00pm on Thursday November 4, 2010.) Thanks

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fluffy white cotton fields

Little E was so funny making faces, showing her pirate imitation and being surrounded by fluffy cotton flowers as she calls them. **If anyone is interested in a cotton field photo sessions please get in contact with me soon the fields in BC are starting to get harvested.**

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Be sure to check back bright an early Friday morning on October 29th for a really big announcement and I mean really BIG!

Wonder Wheel at the Wharf

Round and Round and Round it goes…where it stops NOBODY knows ....

It's been over 20 years since I rode on one of these and the first time for the kiddos,  there were a lot of screams and a lot of laughs and we had the ferris wheel all to ourselves.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Baby Mondays: TTATO (tiny toes and the other…things)

This was an idea I had months ago when I was wishing for one of my dozen or so writers friends to have a baby and now that it's done there are several expecting Moms in the newsroom, I'm happy to learn. So many thanks for falling asleep on such an unlikely spot with all your tiny toes and the other things which made this photo great and I have hope that someday all babies will be loved even before they are born just like you. Thanks T and Baby G.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sunflowers fields forever

 I love the pattern of this flower it creates it's own beauty the kind you can only find in nature

 this has to be one of my favorite, I just love the trio of bees gathering nectar and the sun filtering through the field 

and the sun setting behind the lonely sunflower in the field

It's amazing all the different shots of the same subject you can get in one location and under an hour.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fall mini session special

There's nothing better than fall in south Alabama the weather is awesome and I’m super excited to announce my fall mini sessions! It's the perfect time to get annual family portraits done or holiday photos. Each mini session is 30 minutes long and costs only $50. Each mini session is good for up to three people, but you can schedule a double session if you would like to do more. Maybe you just need photo for your holiday cards or gift for the Grandparents and mini sessions are a great way to keep up with your little one through their first year, Anything goes as long as you promise to have fun. I will select 15 images, which will be edited and put in an online gallery where you can view and order prints and share with friends and family. 

*November 24th is the latest to schedule a session for holiday photo cards.

*December 5th is the latest date to schedule a session to have photos ready for Christmas.

and please note that any session scheduled in November that has to be rescheduled due to weather or illness will still receive the fall special rate.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blue Eyes

 This boy has to be old of the sweetest six year olds I've ever had the pleasure of photographing with eyes bluer than the sky and a Mom and Dad that love him to pieces, I'm so glad to have spent the afternoon with this wonderful family.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Baby Mondays: Book of Love

I'm just a bit partial to October babies and visiting with Baby G reminded me how much I love autumn it's when I brought 3 of mine home and each of those years we'd dress them in teeny costumes to visit our favorite pumpkin patch and take photos, I hope this little pumpkin brings as much joy this time of year as mine.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


To my beautiful daughter , I hope your day is as wonderful and special as you.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Happy Birthdays!

Happy Birthdays to three of the four greatest kids on earth!

you are amazing

you are beautiful

you are perfect 

you are a dream come true

and I love you♥♥♥

Monday, October 11, 2010

Baby Mondays: two teeth and too cute

Wait, I just have to warn you I am too cute.

I think I love babies most at 9 months, they have their first teeth, they babble and crawl or like my first born even walked but most of all they giggle just to make you smile as you fall more in love with them every day especially after managing to get 5 hours of sleep in a row.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Baby Mondays: getting adjusted

I don't know whether I think look like more dinosaur bones than spines but I love the symmetry and the other photo amazes me and it looks as though she's sleeping in the womb. I love how different angles and perspective can change a photo even though the subject remained pretty much in the same spot just a little wiggle and roll adjusting herself onto the tummy as I photographed this series.