
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

So Sweet

I came across this photo today, it must of been when we first move in our current home and I was testing out the little barn in the backyard to see if it would work as my studio.

Little E looks so sweet I'm glad it didn't get lost in to the digital photo oblivion like so many other snap shots of my kids have.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Banner Year!

This is what I was doing when my Camera hit 10,000.
Then I had some fun adding the banner in Photoshop.

I labeled 2012 our banner year, it's definitely been full of milestones and banners so far and today is no exception, my camera hit 10,000 actuations! In only 13 months that's good and bad, the good is that Canon says that their 5D mkII is good for about 150k okay it will last me 14 more years (if I continue to shoot at the same rate) the bad news is I will most likely break it before then   my archiving is backed up or well not backed up! 10,000 images has to be stored somewhere! If you're familiar with Actuations (or shutter count) it's the amount of photos your camera has taken. And this is an important number because your camera has a life expectancy and if it's 100K or 150K that's important! Archiving is important too! and apparently using exclamation marks in this post.

Read more on Actuations: HERE

If you want to know more exciting thing about Photography join me on March 3 for my Hot Shoe Mommas Workshop! Just email me to sign up:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hot Shoe Mommas: Photography Workshop

Kate Reali Photography will be hosting a Hot Shoe Mommas Photography Workshop
on Saturday March 3, 2012.

Space is limited

What kind of workshop is it?
The workshop is intended to help move you past using the automatic point and shoot mode of photography so many of us Moms use and gain a level of understanding of basic photography terms, lighting, and techniques. You will have a two week access to online material 24/7 for the course, complete with instructions and examples to help you. The course will include a full day of hands on learning complete with models. So if you'd like to get familiar with aperture, shutter speed and ISO and move past shooting in "automatic mode" as we turn our cameras on manual, learn to use a flash and how to take advantage of natural light, this course is designed to help you get more comfortable with your camera.

Click on this blog's Photography Workshop Page Bar for more info!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Two Years of Fun!

 We are so lucky here on the Gulf Coast to have such great weather for January and even better was a chance to photograph one of my favorite little tyke who's about to celebrate a big day!

Happy 2nd Birthday!

You can check out how much this cutie has grow since last year HERE.